Part One
Ignition: Uranus sextile Mars trine Jupiter - Sudden expression of individuality - Sudden clear insights or to electrical fires.....
Enamored: Moon in Leo trine Venus in Sagittarius - Sharing love generously
Healing the parental wound: Saturn trine Chiron (Part Two)
This morning as am writing the last astro blog for 2012, I realised that 2012 will really go out in a 'Bang' at least on the surface. In the background a tireless, focused and compulsive striving is at work with the continued sextile between Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Scorpio. (more on that in 2013!)
Though the more I look at the current chart the more complex the 'over and under' currents appear.
On the surface what we have been experiencing for the past couple of days with the waning of the full moon and Mars' entry into Aquarius are heightened mental activity, feelings of restlessness, irritability and intensifying emotions. Particularly with the Moon in Leo opposing Mars in Aquarius as well as forming a trine to electric Uranus in Aries and a sextile to expansive Jupiter in Gemini create a highly energetic cocktail.
For NYE the cherry on the cake will be a close trine between Moon in Leo and Venus in Sagittarius. From my experience when Moon is in Leo the mood is high, demonstrative and people are generally far more outgoing and inclined to celebrate in style (Leo) - ad Venus to the mix and one really wants to plunge into glad rags and have the credit cards ready to wine, dine and splash out. Of course the festive season always entices to splash out, yet this NYE compared to last has a distinct air of buoyancy, more gaiety, lightness and generosity of feeling. This is due to personal planets such as the Moon, Venus, Mars and Jupiter being in Fire and Air signs. (Last year they were mostly in Water & Earth signs. which made the mood 'heavier' and more sober)
As a result of this flam-buoyancy some of you might even pop the question or declare their love when they have not even intended to do so initially. The highly charged ambiance (Mars in Aquarius sextile Uranus in Aries) might simply trigger sudden bursts of boldness.
Less desirable aspects of the current transits are rash realisations of subjectively seeming cunning plans, in other words: Sudden very stupid ideas that can possibly turn into disaster.
With Mars in Aquarius trining Jupiter in Gemini and sextiling Uranus in Aries one has to be particularly careful with regards to sudden electrical fires that come out of no-where or are due to hasty or negligent work (Uranus in Aries and Mars in Aquarius and/or Jupiter in Gemini). Also, be particularly careful with fireworks this year! (Of course one always has to be careful!) Just be double sure that you rig your home display in a focused manner. Also, before you go out for dinner or a party make sure that you have switched everything off (cheap fairy lights!) or blow everything out from candles to incense.... Whilst writing this, I heard of already 2 fires, one that sparked off in the Pyrenees in the snow in the middle of no-where for no apparent reason! The second one was ignited in Toulon (South of France) in a mental institution by in-patients, as a result 2 patients lost their lives!
The above transit ought be particularly respected by people who have the Moon, Mars, the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus between 1 to 8 degrees Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - people born with the Moon, Mars, the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus 4 to 10 degrees in Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces will experience this aspect as rather more stressful and irritating than the Air and Fire Signs.
Again, individuals born with the Moon, Mars, the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus 4 to 10 degrees Scorpio, Capricorn & Pisces have a lot of other heavier transits going that could aggravate the buoyancy of the above transits.
On a deeper level the aspect between Mars in Aquarius and Uranus in Aries gives us all a chance to vibrate on a higher level particularly on the mental plane. If you can focus on sudden ideas, flashes or even inventions, try and seize them, write them down even if they seem outlandish. The inversion of the rulers (Mars ruling Aries and Uranus ruling Aquarius) ought to give you glimpses into the future or future inventions. This aspect is like an electric current tapping into things to come. Make use of the mental images you get!
Moon in Leo trine Venus in Sagittarius is a great aid in opening our hearts in an unconditional way. The Moon carries deeply remembered emotion that is unconditionally without further ado expressed honestly by Venus in Sagittarius. This aspect can trigger the truest form of 'burning young love' - almost like Romeo and Juliet.....So if you want declare an honest feeling, this aspect is a great booster....
Healing the parental / authority wound: Saturn trine Chiron (Part Two)
I will write more extensively about this important aspect between Saturn and Chiron in the new year! This aspect is particularly important and easier for the Water and Earth signs. The above aspect has enormous healing potential for those who have 'soul-wounds' with regards to parents in this life or a past life as well as wounds that stem from abuse by authority figures in this or a past life.
Until then, I wish you a very happy NEW YEAR!
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